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Dollar Bill Origami Cross: Easy 10 Step Fold

Dollar Bill Origami Cross
Updated on 12/25/23

Learn to make a money origami cross from a dollar bill in just a few minutes with this simple folding guide.

This easy dollar cross will make an awesome and thoughtful gift for a friend!

This is just one of many folding tutorials, which can be found on our Money Origami page.

How To Fold a Dollar Bill Origami Cross

origami money cross

Let’s start on the front side of a crisp one-dollar bill.

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 1

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STEP 1: Fold the bill in half lengthwise from the bottom to top

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 2

Fold the bill in half lengthwise evenly, matching the edges evenly.

Crease the fold and then unfold the dollar bill again.

STEP 2: Fold both the top and bottom lengthwise to meet the middle crease

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 3

Bring both the upper and lower edges to the center crease you just made.

STEP 3: Make the same folds again to meet the middle once more

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 4

Repeat the same process of folding the top and bottom to the middle.

Rub the folded edges well to keep them flat and even.

STEP 4: Fold the right part underneath the left as shown

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 5

You can use the design on the bill as a guide.

The fold will put a little space between the edge and the “t” in “TRUST.”

STEP 5: Fold the bottom flap under itself and crease

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 6

Take the bottom flap and make the crease fold it under evenly.

You can make the fold around the start of the word “TRUST.”

STEP 6: Fold the bill in half lengthwise, keeping the words out

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 7

Pinch the bill lengthwise in half all the way across and press it flat.

STEP 7: Fold the right part down and align it

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 8

It doesn’t have to be perfect; just align as best as you can.

If you keep messing with it, it will slowly bend to where you want.

STEP 8: Fold the left part under itself symmetrically

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 9

Make the fold evenly just to the left of the “I” in “IN GOD WE TRUST” underneath.

Press all the fold edges flat to help keep the cross flat.

STEP 9: Fold this new part on the right upward to align

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 10

Twist the longer right flap’s right edge towards the table or ground and even it up.

This may be the hardest part as everything might not align perfectly.

Just keep working the bill till it looks as straight as it’s gonna get.

STEP 10: Tuck the tip down into the middle layers of the cross

Dollar Bill Origami Cross 11

Fold the top tip down as evenly as possible and tuck it in.

It may take some more work to get it straight, but now you have your own money cross!

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