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How to Say Hello in Morse Code!

hello in morse code
Updated on 01/13/24

Whether you’re trying to get a strange look by greeting the next person you meet in Morse code or simply looking for a new and unique way to communicate, learning how to say hello in Morse code will always have its uses.

By the end of this short guide, you will have a handful of ways to say hello in Morse code—such as writing it, speaking it, or blinking it using your eyes. 

Let’s get to it!

How to Use Morse Code

Before you can begin communicating in Morse code, you need to understand the basics of using it.

So let’s briefly cover the fundamentals of Morse code, or if you would like a deeper dive into how to learn and use Morse code, we have a full beginner’s guide here.

Morse Code Dot and DashAlright, so the first thing you need to know is that the entire Morse code system is made up of only two symbols—the dot and the dash.

The Dot: Symbolized by a period and represents a quick and rapid sound.

The Dash: Symbolized by a hyphen and represents a more extended sound three times longer than the dot.

Letters, numbers, and other special characters are created by merging different combinations of dots and dashes.

If you would like to learn more about the Morse code alphabet and other characters beyond the four required to say hello, check out the following guides:

One last thing to consider are the five Morse code timing rules:

  1. The length of a dot is 1 unit of time.
  2.  The length of a dash is 3 units of time—or three times longer than a dot.
  3. The time gap between dots and dashes is 1 unit of time—or the same length as one dot.
  4. The time gap between full letters is 3 units of time—or the same length as one dash.
  5. The pause between complete words is 7 units of time.

This is really all you need to know to communicate anything in Morse code!

So with that, let’s get this ball rolling and learn some awesome ways to say hello using Morse code!

How to Write “Hello” in Morse Code

Writing out hello in Morse code could be a cool addition to a card or an interesting way to start a conversation on a dating app.

So let’s start by learning how to write hello using Morse code symbols.

Let’s look at the four symbols that make up the word “hello.”

H  • • • • 

E  •

L • ─ • •

L • ─ • •

O ─ ─ ─

When laid out on a single line, “hello” in Morse code will look like this!

• • • •    •    • ─ • •    • ─ • •    ─ ─ ─

If you’d like to learn other phrases, consider checking out our guide to writing in Morse code.

How to Say “Hello” in Morse Code

Because Morse code is nothing more than two simple sounds, verbally speaking hello using Morse code is actually very easy.

To say “hello” in Morse code, repeat the following:

di-di-di-di   di   di-dah-di-di   di-dah-di-di   dah-dah-dah

You can also listen to this phrase in Morse code with the audio clip below!

So the next time your cheesy friend tries to impress someone by saying hello in another language, you can easily outclass them by greeting that person in Morse code.

They’ll either be impressed or think you have a robot complex.

Alright, now to learn how to blink hello. Blinking Morse code is a little trickier and requires some practice or stellar blinking abilities and coordination.

To blink characters in Morse code, the dots and dashes are represented in how much time you spend blinking.

Dots will be represented by short blinks or flutters—like you have something in your eye—, while dashes will be more pronounced blinks as if you are resting your eyes for a split second.

Check out the animation below of our blue-haired friend Rocky blinking, “hello!”

blinking hello in morse code

Blinking Morse code is a fun idea and could one day help you say hello to that attractive individual in an overly loud bar.

And who knows? That one hello in that noisy bar could be the difference between finding that special someone to spend the rest of your life with or dying alone.

Don’t take the chance and learn how to blink hello!

How to Say “Hello” in Morse Code With a Flashlight

Let’s say you get some new neighbors, and you want to welcome them to the neighborhood.

However, a simple knock on the door and gifting a homemade apple pie seems a little boring and cliche. After all, they are your new neighbors and the utmost welcome.

So why not approach their house in the middle of the night and continuously blink hello in Morse code with your 1000-watt flashlight straight into their bedroom window?

Or stick with giving them a pie.

To use a flashlight to say “hello,” use short bursts of light to symbolize dots and longer bursts for dashes.

Pretty easy, right?

Check out the following message using light.

Strobe Warning! This video may potentially trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.

“Hello” in Other Languages

We’ve come a long way and learned a lot since you clicked on this article, but now it’s time for our final trick! We’re going to learn how to say hello in a second language using a third language. I call it Morseception.

Anyway, let’s look at some ways to say hello in other languages, using Morse code.

Spanish: hola

••  ─ ─ ─  •─••  •─

French: bonjour 

─•••  ─ ─ ─  ─•  •─ ─ ─  ••─  •─•

German: hallo

••  •─   •─••  •─••  ─ ─ ─

Russian: Привет

•─ ─  •─•  •• •─ ─  •  ─       

Italian: ciao

─•─•  ••  •─  ─ ─ ─

Wrapping It Up!

Throughout this guide, we’ve covered a variety of ways to say hello using Morse code, as well as some very dire situations in which this knowledge could be handy.

I hope you found this guide helpful, and if you would like to explore the code a bit more, see our Morse Code Translator.

Until next time, happy dabbling!