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Morse Code: Numbers, Punctuation, and Special Characters

Morse Code Numbers, Punctuation, & Special Characters
Updated on 01/01/24

Whether you’re giving coordinates or doing math, using Morse code numbers, punctuation, and other special characters are necessary for effective communication.

After all, what is all this tedious work memorizing all these dots and dashes worth if we can’t even count to ten in Morse code?

This guide will illustrate all Morse code numbers, punctuation, and other important special characters, as well as how to string together larger numbers!

If you like this guide, be sure to check out the number Morse Code translator for basic help decoding and putting them into a message.

Let’s get to it!

Morse Code Numbers

Numbers in Morse code are in many ways the easiest set of characters to learn as they all contain the same number of signals and sequentially build upon each other.

Check out the following table, and you’ll see just what I mean.

0 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
1 • ─ ─ ─ ─
2 • • ─ ─ ─
3 • • • ─ ─
4 • • • • ─
5 • • • • •
6 ─ • • • •
7 ─ ─ • • •
8 ─ ─ ─ • •
9 ─ ─ ─ ─ •

As you can see, Morse code numbers are extremely simple to memorize.

All you need to remember is that zero is ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ and that every number after replaces one dash with a dot. Then after the number five, we start to replace one dot with a dash.

Pretty easy, right?

How to Make Larger Numbers In Morse Code

But what if we want to count past the number 9? How can we make larger Morse numbers?

We create larger numbers in Morse code the same way that we create words, by simply adding them together with pauses in between each number.

Check out the example of the number 169 below!

1 dot—4 dashes——1 dash—4 dots——4 dashes—1 dots

( . _ _ _ _     _ . . . .     _ _ _ _ . )

To solidify these characters further, I’ve provided audio examples for each Morse code number below!

Number 0 in Morse Code is: 

5 dashes ( _ _ _ _ _ )


Number 1 in Morse Code is: 

1 dot—4 dashes ( . _ _ _ _ )


Number 2 in Morse Code is: 

2 dots—3 dashes ( . . _ _ _ )


Number 3 in Morse Code is: 

3 dots—2 dashes ( . . . _ _ )

Number 4 in Morse Code is: 

4 dots—1 dash ( . . . . _ )


Number 5 in Morse Code is:

5 dots ( . . . . . )


Number 6 in Morse Code is:

1 dash—4 dots ( _ . . . . )

Number 7 in Morse Code is:

2 dashes—3 dots ( _ _ . . . )


Number 8 in Morse Code is: 

3 dashes—2 dots ( _ _ _ . . )


Number 9 in Morse Code is: 

4 dashes—1 dot ( _ _ _ _ . )

Morse Code Number Chart

Complete chart of all Morse code numbers

Morse Code Punctuation

Punctuation in Morse code is a little harder to learn than the numbers as they are a little more random. Check out the diagram below!

Period  . _ . _ . _
Comma  _ _ . . _ _
Question Mark  . . _ _ . .
Semicolon  _ . _ . _ .
Colon _ _ _ . . .
Dash _ . . . . _ 
Slash _ . . _ . 
Apostrophe  . _ _ _ _ . 
Quotations . _ . . _ . 


[ . ] Full Stop in Morse Code is: 

1 dot—1 dash—1 dot—1 dash—1 dot—1 dash ( . _ . _ . _)

[ , ] Comma in Morse Code is: 

2 dashes—2 dots—2 dashes ( _ _ . . _ _ )

[ ? ] Question Mark in Morse Code is: 

2 dots—2 dashes —2 dots( . . _ _ . . )

[ ; ] Semicolon in Morse Code is: 

1 dash—1 dot—1 dash—1 dot—1 dash—1 dot— ( _ . _ . _ . )

[ : ] Colon in Morse Code is: 

3 dashes—3 dots ( _ _ _ . . . )

[ – ] Dash in Morse Code is: 

1 dash—4 dots—1 dash ( _ . . . . _ )

[ / ] Slash in Morse Code is: 

1 dash—2 dots—1 dash—1 dot ( _ . . _ . )

[ ‘ ] Apostrophe in Morse Code is: 

1 dot—4 dashes—1 dot ( . _ _ _ _ . )

[ ” ] Quotations in Morse Code is: 

1 dot—1 dash—2 dots—1 dash—1 dot ( . _ . . _ . )

Complete chart of all Morse code punctuation

Keep in mind if you want to send or write in Morse code, you treat punctuation as just another letter.

Morse Code Special Characters

Last up are the Morse code special characters, such as parentheses and basic math symbols.

Check out the following table and chart, just in case you need to do division in Morse code!

Underscore . . _ _ . _
Addition . _ . _ .
Subtraction _ . . . . _ 
Multiplication _ . . _
Division _ _ _ . . .
Equal _ . . . _
Right Parenthesis _ . _ _ . _
Left Parenthesis _ . _ _ .


[ _ ] Underline in Morse Code is: 

2 dots—2 dashes—1 dot—1 dash (. . _ _ . _ )

[ ( ] Left Parenthesis in Morse Code is: 

1 dash—1 dot—2 dashes—1 dot ( _ . _ _ . )

[ ) ] Right Parenthesis in Morse Code is: 

1 dash—1 dot—2 dashes—1 dot—1 dash ( _ . _ _ . _ )

[ + ] Addition in Morse Code is: 

1 dot—1 dash—1 dot—1 dash—1 dot ( . _ . _ . )

[ – ] Subtraction in Morse Code is: 

1 dash—4 dots—1 dash ( _ . . . . _ )

[ * ] Multiplication in Morse Code is: 

1 dash—2 dots—1 dash ( _ . . _ )

[ : ] Division in Morse Code is: 

3 dashes—3 dots ( _ _ _ . . . )

[ = ] Equal in Morse Code is: 

1 dash—3 dots—1 dash (_ . . . _ )


Complete chart of all Morse code special characters!

Wrapping it Up

I hope you found this guide on Morse code numbers and punctuation helpful, and if you would like to read more on learning Morse code, be sure to check out our ultimate guide to learning Morse code.

Additionally, be sure to check out my Morse code mnemonic alphabet guide where I break each letter down and help you memorize them with visual cues.

Thanks for reading, and as always, happy dabbling!